Why I chose my career

Hi everybody, in my previous blog I did mention that I study Architecture and, in this blog, I’m going to talk why I did choose to study this career.
Well, first, I must say that it wasn’t an easy decision. When I was a child I want to study Veterinary medicine because I loved animals (and I still love them), BUT, I cried every time I saw an injured animal, so, when I had 13, I changed my vocation for another completely different, I’m talking about Law, nowadays, I don´t understand why I had that idea, really, I can’t imagine me studying that now. Finally, when I was 17, everyone asked me what I was going to study and I didn't have an specific answer (definitely, it was a frustrating days), I knew I like many areas like math, history and arts, but I can’t decided for one of them, so, I looked for a career that combined all things what I like, and I discovered Architecture. It sounded like a perfect option for me and I kept going to investigate about the career and I fell in love. Then, I took the entrance exam with an only university like an option (because I didn't want another) and luckily, I was selected. Currently, I keep studying Architecture and I really liked, I don’t regret to has chosen this career.
That’s all today, see you next time and take care.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I wanted to study Veterinary medicine too, but for the same reasons you said, I changed my mind.


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