My autobiography

Hi everyone, today I’m going to talk about my life. First of all, my name is Isidora Duarte and I’m 19 years old. I was born in Talca, but I moved to Santiago when I was a child, and I have been living here all my life since then. I live with my parents, my old sister, who is a nurse and my two pets; a dog and a cat. As I studied my primary and secondary school in the same school, most teachers knew me, and I knew most students from other classes. Currently I study my second year of Architecture at the Universidad de Chile. My hobbies are drawing, reading books and watching TV series, although since I started the university, I haven’t had much time to do it, because generally I must do a lot of projects and tasks. However, I think that it is always important to give yourself some time of rest and relaxation, so, I try to give myself a “relax time” to avoid collapse…and, that’s my life, really, there isn’t much more to say and I still have a lot of live.
¿What about your life? ¡Thank you for reading me! 


  1. Hi Isi, how are you?
    a question, what serie are you watching now? :)

  2. Hi Isidora, I like to read too, so I'd like to know what's your favorite book?

  3. Hi Isidora, I also like to watching TV series, What is your favorite series?

  4. Hi Isi, what's the name of your pets?


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