
Hi everyone! It's been a while since the last time I wrote something. Today I will show you one of my favorite’s photos, to tell the truth, I have too many photos that I appreciate but this is very special or me. This photo was taken in April 2019,  it was a Birthday of one of my aunts, and the people on this photo are my father’s family, everyone are in this photo; my dad, my sister, my aunts, my cousins, the boyfriends of the cousins, my grandma, etc. But the only person who is not in the photograph is my grandfather, and why? Because at that time he was hospitalized in serious condition. We really didn’t feel like having a celebration at the time but, days before, the day of visits on the hospital, my grandfather told us that he preferred that we were celebrating, instead of suffering due to his condition, because he was happy to know that his family  was reunited having good times. We taken this photo for show him the next day of visits and we did it. He was happy. Unfortunately, he died days later, and we remind with love. This photo reminds me that you can have good times in bad times and appreciate them to the fullest, that’s why it is so special to me.
Thanks for reading <3


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