
Hi guys, how are you? I hope you're fine. Today’s blog topic is about one of my favorite things; Music, I love it, seriously, I do anything with music, and I like a lot of genres; Rock, Punk, Reggaeton, Latin music, indie, Pop, Funk, etc. I’m not consider me an expert in the area of ​​music, but I enjoy it so much no matter the genre, the year or the language, it could be said that I don’t have a defined style. It isn't Rock only, or Urban, or Latin, simply, it’s a mix of genres that make me feel identified (depending my mood), but I must say that my family greatly influences my musical tastes. I mean, when I was a child, in my house listened to the favorite bands of my dad ALL DAY; AC / DC, Queen, The Beatles, Los Bunkers and Los Prisioneros, they are my first memories about music! and currently I keep listening to them, but I discovered many others singers, band and genres that I like, Some of them are: Ariana Grande, Elton John, Ed Sheeran, also Spanish speakers singers like: Mon laferte Bad bunny and Luis Miguel. Anyway, different styles likes me, and I don't judge anybody for their own, because all are different, and music exist for all.


  1. Hello Isi!
    Several artists that you like are some of the ones I listen to very often. Good taste girl haha xox


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