
Showing posts from 2020


Hi everyone! It's been a while since the last time I wrote something. Today I will show you one of my favorite’s photos, to tell the truth, I have too many photos that I appreciate but this is very special or me. This photo was taken in April 2019,  it was a Birthday of one of my aunts, and the people on this photo are my father’s family, everyone are in this photo; my dad, my sister, my aunts, my cousins, the boyfriends of the cousins, my grandma, etc. But the only person who is not in the photograph is my grandfather, and why? Because at that time he was hospitalized in serious condition. We really didn’t feel like having a celebration at the time but, days before, the day of visits on the hospital, my grandfather told us that he preferred that we were celebrating, instead of suffering due to his condition, because he was happy to know that his family   was reunited having good times. We taken this photo for show him the next day of visits and we did it. He was happy. Unfortu


Hi guys, how are you? I hope you're fine. Today’s blog topic is about one of my favorite things; Music, I love it, seriously, I do anything with music, and I like a lot of genres; Rock, Punk, Reggaeton, Latin music, indie, Pop, Funk, etc. I’m not consider me an expert in the area of ​​music, but I enjoy it so much no matter the genre, the year or the language, it could be said that I don’t have a defined style. It isn't Rock only, or Urban, or Latin, simply, it’s a mix of genres that make me feel identified (depending my mood), but I must say that my family greatly influences my musical tastes. I mean, when I was a child, in my house listened to the favorite bands of my dad ALL DAY; AC / DC, Queen, The Beatles, Los Bunkers and Los Prisioneros, they are my first memories about music! and currently I keep listening to them, but I discovered many others singers, band and genres that I like, Some of them are: Ariana Grande, Elton John, Ed Sheeran, also Spanish speakers singers li

My favourite piece of technology

Hi everybody, how are you doing in quarantine? I hope it’s ok and, since we talked about the quarantine, today I’m going to talk about my favourite pieces of technology that have been indispensable for me during these days. I can’t imagine how I would have survived this quarantine without technology, probably I would have died of boredom if I haven’t my laptop. These days, my laptop saved me in many occasions, of course it is my main working tool for online classes, but it has also been a great source of entertainment. I can see my favourite movies and series, read digital books, connecting with my friends by Discord, Skype or Zoom, and playing online games. That is what has kept me entertained the past few days. Although I hope that we can return to normal soon and stop depending so much on technology. Anyway, that’s all today, and what about you? What it your favorite technology piece? Take care and see you soon.

Why I chose my career

Hi everybody, in my previous blog I did mention that I study Architecture and, in this blog, I’m going to talk why I did choose to study this career. Well, first, I must say that it wasn’t an easy decision. When I was a child I want to study Veterinary medicine because I loved animals (and I still love them), BUT, I cried every time I saw an injured animal, so, when I had 13, I changed my vocation for another completely different, I’m talking about Law, nowadays, I don´t understand why I had that idea, really, I can’t imagine me studying that now. Finally, when I was 17, everyone asked me what I was going to study and I didn't have an specific answer (definitely, it was a frustrating days), I knew I like many areas like math, history and arts, but I can’t decided for one of them, so, I looked for a career that combined all things what I like, and I discovered Architecture. It sounded like a perfect option for me and I kept going to investigate about the career and I fell in lov

My autobiography

Hi everyone, today I’m going to talk about my life. First of all, my name is Isidora Duarte and I’m 19 years old. I was born in Talca, but I moved to Santiago when I was a child, and I have been living here all my life since then. I live with my parents, my old sister, who is a nurse and my two pets; a dog and a cat. As I studied my primary and secondary school in the same school, most teachers knew me, and I knew most students from other classes. Currently I study my second year of Architecture at the Universidad de Chile. My hobbies are drawing, reading books and watching TV series, although since I started the university, I haven’t had much time to do it, because generally I must do a lot of projects and tasks. However, I think that it is always important to give yourself some time of rest and relaxation, so, I try to give myself a “relax time” to avoid collapse…and, that’s my life, really, there isn’t much more to say and I still have a lot of live. ¿What about your life? ¡Than